Thursday, February 2, 2012

The audacity of People sometimes


And now I have time to clarify. I am going to have to bullet point this one out..

* Asks us to go to Australia, be in wedding - Going to cost 1000$ just for ticket and required items that I have to purchase such as my dress. Awesome. Guess I don't start school this year...

*Asks me to not be in the wedding. Mind you this person thinks of themselves as the utmost classiest person to walk the planet. [ Andrew gets on the phone, gets mad, demands to also be in the wedding ] Then we are "in the wedding"

*Sends me a FB POST saying I am the maid of honor. I mean, can you talk class? Thy is so above everyone else. And yet this behavior continues... We talked via FB once about the matter, I had asked what I could do if I she needed me to help plan her party. Nope, just dump all the money into it as soon as you can. Yes, WHEN I HAVE MY TAXES.

*The next few weeks follow with endless guilt trips about my passport, and when we would have money for the ticket. My answer never changed and I didn't magically get money in my pocket. "So uh, when are you guys getting your passport??" "Yea know, it takes MONTHS to get a Passport and ticket" "Uh did you get your passport yet??" And so on and SO forth and so on and SO forth. Fucking driving me insane. Meanwhile Andrew doesn't have to pay for his ticket and has his passport. We ran out of money so we couldn't get mine too. Its an endless cycle.

*Posts passive aggressive nonsense on my wall such as "If you plan on coming Blah blah blah" If I plan on coming?? I just spent the last week talking about this with my boss because 2 weeks off equals half the month, and that doesn't look good when you are trying to prove your worth on a 4 month TA. Not only that, I'm actually needed. My team is shorthanded and I am there to help. I guess a cook in a kitchen could never understand that. She was not happy about it and I knew it. I was going to be spending all the vacation time I had left just to go to this. Which means, for this entire year I would have to wait for my slow ass requiring vacation to be able to have ANY days off. FOR The Entire Year. Not only that I have people on my FB who I have been talk to about this, it makes me look bad when she makes it sound like I am not going. WTF.. Really? On my FB wall, You can't send a message? You can't fucking call? Or Skype? You have to be fucking 17 years old in high school. Wow, we are all so jealous of your "wonderful life" . LMFAO, NOT.

*Andrew tells her not to worry and that it will be taken care of. My taxes were going to be deposited that week - So I was still waiting, Mind you we have time still, and nothing is too late atm. Absolutely no reason for a meltdown. - She flips out and calls us Ingrates, and Unwelcome - You're not in the wedding, I don't want you here - Pretty much the worst things possible to say. And honestly how bad should we feel if she didn't want any of her family in the wedding in the first place? I for one could not give one flying fuck. It actually made me laugh cause I knew she was going to flip out about something so she could tell us not to be in it. She wanted us to be grateful that we get to sleep on a pull out couch in a small ass apartment... in the living room... God its so fucking asinine it makes my head hurt. Get this GET THIS. They don't even pay for that apartment, NOPE - His parents let them live there for free. Man. Yea know. That must be such a HUGE sacrifice, Giving us living room space you don't fucking work for. Awww yea know. I am so fucking grateful....

After the conversation. Miss Oh I am so much better then everyone else (she doesn't let you forget, she is sure to remind you on FB, EVERY day, with a witty comment cause its so clever and original ya know?) Posts yet another passive aggressive comment, posting that she is SO HAPPY all the time, ALL THE TIME. OMG haters, I LOVE THEM. Classy,lol, really it's just laughable at this point, Religious? I think not, Fake - FUCK Yes.

So that's the end of it as of right now, and they are not on speaking terms, 1 day later after this my tax return came. Go fucking figure. I fucking hate people.

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